For my Zine, I am planning to have a strong incorporation with the ocean and the affects that humans have on the ecosystems living in the ocean. I plan to almost tell a story about what goes on every day with human trash when it is not disposed of correctly. For the layout of my zine, I think it would be really cool to have each page shaped as a surfboard. Then to tie it all together I would like to use some sort of trash that is commonly affecting our ocean ecosystems. To start it out I plan to have a human walking near a beach and show him dropping a can or another type of trash. It then will transition to a happy ecosystem in the ocean, probably turtles. The next scene will show the turtles first seeing the can floating in the ocean. Then the next one will show the turtles checking out the trash and being curious. Then they will get stuck in the trash. Then I plan to take it back to the human and have him show the correct way to dispose of trash. For the very last page I want to have the turtle as big as possible with a QR code to the national ocean protection page. I have grown up on both coasts here in the United States and saving and preserving our ocean is very important to me. What I hope to do with this project is create a fun way to reach a new demographic of people to understand that we need to keep our oceans clean. And I hope they are able to see what they are really doing when just throwing trash in the ocean.
