With this project I did not really know where I wanted to go with it but I knew I liked animals and so does everyone else, so I decided to create a very biased choose your animal. At first I was between this idea and a, choose your life as you start out as this kid in highschool, but I am very glad I went with this. I put shoes and clothes on all of the animals because I just think it is so funny when animals wear people's clothing. This was the most tedious project in my opinion as it took a lot of time when creating the gifs in photoshop. I think the hardest part for me was I knew I could create the images in animate so much quicker than in photoshop but having to use photoshop was a fun skill to pick up. If I were to do this differently I think that I would stick with just one animal type instead of being super broad. I also wish that I could have had more time to include more animals and make it more in depth. I had a lot of trouble thinking of a plot for this one which has not happened in the past, so I had to think as I went for this project. I would say the primary skill I learned was how to make gifs, I am not sure I will use it down the road but it was a lot of fun and a cool tool to have.
